Musikszene NRW

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Forces at Work

Forces at Work – Metal aus NRW
hat noch kein personalisiertes Bandprofil angefordert, ist aber dem Musikernetzwerk NRW auf Facebook angeschlossen und deswegen hier gelistet (Standardangaben).

The band Forces at Work has been in its current formation since 2007, with

Sebastian Wischermann on vocals
S. Sabir Bosanac on drums
Adrian Weiss and Mischa on guitars and
Marcel Willnat on bass.

After recording and promoting 3 critically acclaimed EPs between 2002 and 2006 the band now presents its first full length Album entitled “Straight”. After parting ways with original Singer Andreas Lohse (formerly Thought Sphere) and finding replacement in Sebastian Wischermann the band engaged on a long and intensive song writing process that ultimately led to the production of the new album. The band has played many gigs in Germany including supports of Bands like Rage, Disillusion, Animals As Leaders among others. The band also was featured as a musical guest arranging and performing team on Victor Smolski´s solo Album “Majesty And Passion”.Now – having successfully finished the production of the first full length album in 2011 and having found a label to release it in Hands Of Blue Records in Spring 2012 the band is ready to rock the stages.

NRW, August 2011
Text by Forces at Work (Quelle: Facebook s. u.)


Gegründet 2000
Genre Metal, Progessive, Trash
Mitglieder Basti: Gesang
Adrian: Gitarre
Mischa: Gitarre
Marcel: Bass
Sabir: Schlagzeug
Musikalische Einflüsse k. A.
Heimatstadt k. A., NRW
Aktueller Wohnort k. A., NRW
Plattenfirma unsigned
Webseite/n Homepage
Buchungs-Assistent k. A.


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